3 Khasiat Anti Penuan dari Teh Hijau

Ever wondered if there is some magic ingredient in nature that can actually reverse your aging process? Do the signs of aging trouble and worry you? In an attempt to get back to the 20s sculpted look, you check out everything on the shelf to hide those fine lines and wrinkles. But you never quite realize that you’re just bombarding more of chemicals in the garb of wearing a mask.

So, what can be done? Can’t we ever fight aging and retain that youthful look? Isn’t there any cure for this? Well, there is one. And it is the all powerful green tea.

Want to know more about aging and how you can slow it down using green tea? Go ahead with your read!

Why The Japanese Live So Long?

The Japanese are comparatively known to have the longest life spans in the world, having the largest percentage of octogenarians with many of them hitting the century. Having said that, it happens to be more than just a coincidence, to know that Japan also stands first in the highest consumption of green tea.

How Aging Happens?

According to a free radical theory, aging happens as a consequence of chemical reactions within cells. As part of these reactions, toxins, namely free radicals, are generated. This is the reason a person happens to age. These radical molecules damage healthy cells by depleting them of oxygen and cutting down on the levels of collagen – that plays a vital role in keeping the elasticity and radiance of the skin alive.

The greater the number of these harmful free radicals, the older a person looks. This growth rate also decides as to how fast a person ages and as well as when he/she would die. The free radical count also picks up pace due to other self-induced toxins such as UV rays, poor diet, intake of tobacco, alcohol, drugs and other such lifestyle choices.

Some Anti-Aging Benefits Of Green Tea:

1. Cellular Aging:
A Chinese study showed that men, who consumed green tea, had their cells aging at a much slower rate than the men who didn’t . Researchers think that the antioxidants in green tea are the reason behind this phenomenon.

2. Protect Your Knees:
Green tea consists of powerful flavonoids that contribute to healthy and youthful knees. They also help reduce cartilage and collagen destruction in arthritic joints. This helps prevent both rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

3. Your Skin:
Green tea, being an excellent antioxidant moisturizer, can cleanse your skin and make it radiant. Just dab a cotton ball into the remaining green tea in your cup and apply it on your skin.

What Can Be Done To Slow Down The Aging Process?

Apparently, green tea is very much known to have the highest concentration of catechins and polyphenols. In simple terms, they are nothing but antioxidants that help in destroying the free radicals to retain your vibrant, youthful look.

Green tea contains high levels of oligomeric proanthocyanidins – OPCs – some of the most potent antioxidants, and hence it has been proven to slow down premature aging, if consumed internally. Whether the yield is the same when green tea is applied externally onto the skin is yet to be proven. But it is believed that it does.

So, as and when there is a cutdown on the radical count, the aging process eventually slows down. Now that you know anti-aging and antioxidants go hand-in-hand and are quite synonymous with each other, do not miss out on that sip or two of this healthy beverage. The best thing about green tea is it simultaneously makes you a couple of years younger while it adds the same to your lifespan.

Are you aware of any other ways green tea helps in anti-aging? Do share with us in the comments section below!

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