MMA turut mengesahkan, Kos Kesihatan Akan Meningkat kerana GST

Anda pasti rasa tertipu membaca artikel ini kerana ia bertentangan dengan kempen-kempen kerajaan di dalam TV. Hari-hari Sofi Jikan tanya pasal GST. Apa yang dengar, GST tidak dikenakan di Hospital. Kini, apa yang dirisaukan, bakal terjadi. Dikencing hidup-hidup kita oleh iklan GST.

Persatuan Perubatan Malaysia (The Malaysian Medical Association : MMA) telah mengesahkan, kos sektor kesihatan akan naik, berkemungkinan setinggi 6% selepas GST dilaksanakan 1 April nanti. Rasa tertipu tak?

This is in contrary to the statements issued by Health Minister Datuk Seri S. Subramaniam and Director of GST from Customs Department.
On Nov 3, Dr Subramaniam had said, the healthcare costs will not be impacted by the GST because healthcare was GST-exempt generally while the Customs guideline states that GST is exempted only for services provided by doctors employed by private hospitals. It also states that the professional fees, clinic rentals, etc, of part-time specialists in private hospitals are subject to GST. The vast majority of doctors in hospitals, especially the specialists, are not employed by the hospitals and provide healthcare on contract and thus their consultation and procedural – including surgical – fees would be subject to GST.

MMA president Dr H Krishna Kumar said even though there will not be any difference in the food and room areas as the tax is just replacing the previous sales tax, there will be more things that will be taxed including fees by most private specialists.

He said the complexity of the Customs Department in its implementation of the GST will create and is creating a lot of confusion.

The private specialists, Dr Krishna said, depending on how they practice will incur the 6% GST that will be passed onto the patients.

He pointed out that there are many different methods of practise in the private sector and this will create different charges by different doctors depending on their various contractual agreements with the private hospitals, sometimes creating a difference in the same hospital of practise.

He said the MMA and the Association of Private Hospitals (APHM) had requested the Customs Department in a meeting with Dr Subramaniam not to charge the GST to all fees under the Private Healthcare Act to the patients.
He added the health insurance scheme will also be affected.

"Any fees paid by a third party, that is, insurer will be subject to a 6% GST. This will be implemented in all areas of healthcare including private general practice services. This will result in an increase in cost to the insurers. They will then pass the financial burden to the rakyat by increasing the premiums for all medical or health insurance policies in the near future," he said.

Dr Krishna hoped the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Finance will reconsider these charges due to its impact on the rakyat.
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